
Sarah and Sara are proud graduates of Michigan State University.  During their time there, they spent many hours in their living room discussing all things sports.  Since it is easier to develop a blog than it is to start a radio show, Sports Squared [Sara(h) on Sports] was born.

We hope you enjoy your time here.  Please see the video below for our inspiration.

5 responses to “About

  1. Allison

    WOW, ladies — i am upset that i didn’t know about this blog of yours sooner, as your sports opinions and senses of humor have always been something i have appreciated. keep up the good work!

    • sarahnorris75

      Thanks Allison! It’s fairly new, but we’re glad to have you with us. Let us know if you want to do a guest post sometime! 🙂

  2. sgender

    So sorry, Allison. We’ve been putting the posts up on Facebook, but we are glad you found us!

  3. Hi Sara(h)… Thought you might enjoy our club, perhaps adding a link on your Blogroll… http://www.SpartanPlates.com
    We currently have 455 members!
    Best wishes, and GO GREEN

  4. Mike Gazdik

    Hey Sara(h)s!

    I came across your blog while surfing through WordPress.com and I really enjoyed what you have to offer.

    I help run a sports blog that has recently moved off WordPress.com to become self-hosted on WordPress.org. We’re called The Farm Club (thefarmclub.net). We work as a collective of young, aspiring sports writers and enthusiasts that have come together to reach our goal of giving a spotlight to new writers and passionate fans. We’re looking for bloggers that have superior knowledge of certain sports and above all, have a love for their favorite team.

    In the effort of finding a localized voice for certain teams, I’ve come across your site where I can see you are an avid fan of the Spartans Would you be interested in contributing articles based on the knowledge that you have about the Big Ten conference to our site? You would be the go-to authors for that conference.

    Just so you know: We’re a blog that started as a collaboration between journalism and broadcasting students from Wayne State, Michigan State, CMU and Oakland, so undoubtedly, we have a little bit of bias ourselves sometimes when it comes to reporting a bit more on state of Michigan sports ;).

    Give it a thought and get back with me at mgazdik@thefarmclub.net.

    I appreciate your time and happy blogging!

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